WordPress popularity is growing and showing no signs of abating, which encourage novices as well as experienced webmasters to embrace for developing their websites. Besides, the rich set of features and capabilities of WordPress makes it the best choice as a CMS compared to its counterparts. However, there are still a number of people out there that need to discover a lot about WordPress.
WordPress Still Considered a Mere Blogging Platform
WordPress started as a blogging platform, and has now evolved into a content management system used by many business organizations to promote their reach to their target audience in the most efficient manner. WordPress has come a long way to become the most sought-after platform for website development, and you’ll find enough evidence supporting the same.
Even so, a number of people still consider WordPress a viable choice as a blogging platform but one that is not appropriate for building complex business websites or eCommerce websites. But, this is a misconception caused due to poor advertising the part of WordPress.org. Although, you may find WordPress related ads on the web but most of them make more use of the word “blog” rather than focusing on “website creation”. This is what makes beginners perceive WordPress as a mere blogging platform.
In reality, the latest WordPress versions makes it a highly suitable platform for building some of the most business-oriented sites. In fact, there are several useful e-commerce plugins available online that enables user to establish their presence in the e-commerce world.
WordPress Not Perfect For Building an Online Store?
Many people find WordPress as the best platform for developing websites, but won’t give it a try for building an online store. That’s because of the popular opinion that WordPress platform isn’t fit to handle products details. But that opinion comes mostly from people, who still are using older WordPress versions.
Over the last few years, many improvements and hacks have been introduced into the WordPress ecosystem that makes it possible to build e-stores in the best possible way around. Several new plugins are made available in the WordPress plugins repository, or you custom make one to meet your e-commerce needs using the WP platform.
Also, there are a number of WP themes designed for e-stores that comes with tons of customization options, giving you the ability to develop an online store in a manner that best suits your needs.
WordPress is Not Secure
Let’s quite beating around the bush and face it that nothing on the web is armored. Hackers still succeeds to break into even the most secure websites. And so, considering that only WordPress contains security loopholes will be wrong. There isn’t a single system on the web that is completely secure.
You’ll find loopholes in every system out there. In fact, they can be a serious threat to a website that enables unauthorized users to gain access to that site. Because of the fact that WordPress is the most dominating CMS in the web industry, it is often targeted by hackers. But that doesn’t means that WordPress is not secure.
The WordPress community make constant efforts to release new updates to fix security patches. And if you still aren’t satisfied with the end results, there are plenty of plugins available for you on the Internet that guarantees the security of WP powered sites. The best part is security plugins are easily available and most of them are free to download. However, you can also choose to opt premium plugins offering greater security to the site.
WordPress Websites Have Slow Loading Time
A website with slow loading time can make a business doom to failure. But the belief that WordPress websites runs relatively slower than the ones running on other CMS platforms is a fallacy. You can make your WordPress sites load quickly. There are many reasons that leads to slow speed of a site. The primary reason could be that your site is filled with plugins that are not needed in it, or you’ve chosen a web hosting plan that is cheap but does not deliver good services. Another possible reasons could be that you’ve integrated a pre-built theme into your site that contains bad code which results in making your site load slowly.
In order to boost your WordPress website’s speed requires you to put in a little efforts. The best approach requires injecting relevant features and plugins into your site that do affect its speed. In addition, make sure that your theme is well-coded, so as to avoid unauthorized access into your site, which makes it vulnerable and slow.
Wrapping Up!
If you a novice developer or an individual confused and puzzled about choosing WordPress for your website development project, because of other people’s opinions about the WordPress CMS. Well, then it is recommended that you should read the above discussed common WordPress myths, which will definitely help you make an informed choice.
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