With Facebook acquiring WhatsApp for $19 billion it was more likely to say that deal between Facebook and Snapchat has come to an abrupt end. Earlier, it was said that negotiations happened for the deal between Facebook and Snapchat. But with the recent acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram for over $20 billion each. Will Facebook still show interest in acquiring this photo messaging company?
It was mentioned that Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg was keen to acquire Snapchat before WhatsApp deal happened. And the exciting thing for now is that is he still keen to own Snapchat. Also, it was reported that Snapchat turned out a deal with Facebook in 2013 where the social marketing giant valued Snapchat for $3 billion dollars. Snapchat might now be thinking of double sizing the value or even more had they valued it now.
At the other end, WhatsApp Co-Founder, Brian Acton used a harsh tone while addressing about Facebook-Snapchat deal. He repeatedly mentioned his disinterest towards his competitor.
“It’s not 100 per cent clear to me what’s working about Snapchat,” he says. “Great, teenagers can use it to get laid all day long. I don’t care. I’m 42, essentially married with a kid. I don’t give a shit about this. I’m not sexting with random strangers. I send the ‘I love you’s in text. She’s sending me photos of our baby. These are memories. It’s not clear to me that being goofy with Snapchat necessarily creates that level of intimacy.
Clearly [Snapchat cofounder] Evan Spiegel only has his pulse on one part of the world. We have a whole wall of stories about people who got to know each other long distance and eventually got married. You’re not going to do this over Snapchat. And people want chat histories. They’re a permanent testimony of a relationship.”
So what interests now is the kind of attitude that was shown by Brian Acton is not welcoming just after he made it to Facebook. Remember, Jan Koum will be joining the Facebook board of Directors and people might really hope that they come on good terms and work together.
Meanwhile, Zuckerberg gave clarifications about acquiring WhatsApp is worth making as they have build an amazing real-time mobile messaging service that has reached to 450 million active users a month and 70% are being active on WhatsApp every day. Also, it was said that WhatsApp is coming close to global telecom messaging volume. That’s the reason why Mark call it as the deal is worth making. But for now it was like no snapchat deal with Facebook. Let us see where this will lead to.
What’s your stand on Snapchat deal with Facebook? Do you think Facebook needs to acquire Snapchat too? Do let me know in the comment section.
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