5 Reasons Why you don't have a Girlfriend yet

Having a girlfriend or boyfriend is a norm which one has to go through as you reach your teenage years. You see those lovely Bollywood and Hollywood movies with proms where all you need is an arm candy boy friend or girlfriend to get noticed. But wait; here we are talking about infatuations and just so called puppy love which fades as quick as the rainbow, ending the beauty and the Disneyworld ride. But real relationship is beyond the proms and college fests and involves true commitment. So why is that you are not having a girlfriend inspite of having all the qualities of Bollywood heroes which these movies depict. May be you can check out the reasons here.
1. You are pretentious
A BMW car, an American express card, an Armani shirt may win you glances in a party or a function but not hearts. Your character is what truly matters for women and the highlight here is commitment, loyalty. In a nutshell you have to be more than your second skin and not just tall dark and handsome with a fat wallet.

2. You want only sex
For women sex is emotional. Follow this principle and you will find your way to her heart and her v*****. If sex is your only intention then please stay away as women can smell it very easily. For women, love comes first and then sex and if your principle is in the reverse order you would struggle to be in a long term relationship.

3. You want something better
If you think you are always better than your date then you know the reason why you don't have a girlfriend. If you are looking for someone better than others then you will never end your search. Your girlfriend can also feel the same and she will soon leave you to find better options.

4. You think about only yourself
Relationship is thinking and caring about others, at least that's what girls think so. So if only "I" comes to your mind then forget getting a "we" back. If only your job, health, movies, outings are the only things that exist then you very well know why you don't get the true commitment.

5. You are a dog
And finally, don't expect to have a girlfriend if you are a dog. In simple words if you are sleeping around with every girl you meet, a true girl friend is not in your kitty. It may be easy to win many hearts in less time but to sustain one heartbeat for long, is quite a task. Only a man who is man enough can do that!!


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