Finding yourself lost in the middle of nowhere? Days have become harder, people have become much more busier, Technology has become more and more higher. Google has become more more smarter.
I guess you people must be half aware of what I was actually talking about. When I have mentioned Google today, it must surely belong to Google Maps. And God, how good they actually are. Way beyond what people would expect. The Company has announced Indoor Google Maps now in India. Available for now only in selected locations. The Indoor Maps are available at 75 popular indoor venues across 22 states in India.
What Good can Indoor Google map offers to it’s users?
It’s very simple. Till date we have been using Google Maps which will instruct you in a process of making you reach your destination. But Indoor Google Maps is a bit updated to what Google Maps offered. With Indoor Google Maps, you can now enter into a Mall and find where you are and also head towards the direction where you wanted to go. For instance, You are in a mall and have lost your way to Food court. Instead of getting an assistance from the fellow security personnel, you can straight away head towards the food court using Indoor Google Maps. It can actually serve the role of personal assistance which will always drive you towards your destination.
It’s like uploading the Floor plans to Indoor Google Maps using the technology. It can help people reach their destinations with no big difficulty. But for now, this is just going to be the first stage of Indoor Google Maps in India and the service is expected to expand further in near future.
But in a country like India, expectations on Indoor Google Maps may vary. What I personally feel about Indoor Google Maps could be, lessening the communication between people. Technology has taken a beat and people are now more involved into their own personal gadgets. But considering the technology advancements I would say this is way beyond amazing.
What comes to your mind when you think of Indoor Google Maps? Do let us know in the comment section.
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